My God Alphabet: R— Refuge
In every life, there are —or will be—times when the world is suddenly shaken, and we find ourselves vulnerable and afraid. It's as if the ground beneath our life violently shifts, and the things we thought would keep us safe suddenly vanish. We long for refuge.
My God Alphabet—O: Open-Handed
It is breathtaking to think about the amount of air needed to sustain life on earth. There is a vast supply of air that we all share, and every atom and molecule of it comes from God's hand. I, for one, am thankful that God is not stingy about providing breathable air on planet earth!
My God Alphabet— L: Loving Listener
“Can anyone hear me? Is anyone listening?” is a cry that is poured out millions of times, in many places, every day on this planet.
My God Alphabet—I: Initiator
I'm continuing my "God alphabet" series with the letter "I". God is the One and Only Initiator of all things seen and unseen.
My God Alphabet—H: Healer
Like words to describe various facets of a diamond, there are many beautiful Hebrew names that point to one of the infinite characteristics of God.As I continue with my "God alphabet," I want to point out one of these great names that describes God, the ultimate Healer.