My God Alphabet— J: Judge (and Advocate!)
My son and I stood before the traffic court judge, nervouslyawaiting his decision.
This event took place many years ago. You see, my son wasticketed for speeding on a lonely country road in West-Central Minnesota on hisway home from a weekend away with our family. When he told me what happened, headmitted he was carelessly going over the speed limit and was afraid of thefinancial consequences of both of the ticket and his auto insurance rates. Whenhe showed me the ticket, I observed that there were two glaring errors onit—the officer had written the wrong date and the incorrect mile marker wherethe offense took place. We couldn’t afford an attorney, so I told my son that Iwould accompany him as his advocate before the judge.
We drove to the county seat and went before the judge when myson’s name and case number were called. I introduced myself as his father andtold him I would speak on my son’s behalf. I presented the facts and the issueswith the ticket. The officer who wrote the ticket was not present, so the judgereviewed the facts and then rendered his decision.
The judge, who by his position represented the essence and the letter of the law, stated that the fact remained my son had violated the traffic law, while also admitting the office-issued ticket had mistakes. He ruled that this offense would not be placed on my son’s driving record as long as he did not speed again—it was a “go and sin no more” moment! The consequence of the offense was a significantly reduced fine, which we gratefully paid.
This event is an imperfect picture of God as Judge and Advocate.
First, God is holy—set apart from all creation—and by verynature opposed to and uncompromising with anything sinful, wrong, or evil. Hecannot tolerate impurity and sin and is the perfect Judge of all. Psalm 7reminds us that God is a righteous Judge, and the Bible contains dozens ofverses and narratives that point to this. Unlike human judges, God is perfectlyqualified to judge people since He is the Only Source of the Law, as the Biblestates:
“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able tosave and to destroy.” (James 4:12)
God Himself proclaims this fact, as the prophet Isaiah wrote:
“For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who livesforever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place…” (Isaiah 57:15a)
Then the verse continues with an amazing and comfortingstatement by God:
“…but also with the one who is contrite and lowly inspirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heartof the contrite” (Isaiah 57:15b)
God is not only the perfect Judge but also the supremelygracious and compassionate One who longs to abide with all who turn away fromfoolish human sins and self-righteous efforts! Out of God’s great love, Heprovided the perfect Advocate—Jesus Christ, the perfect, crucified, and risensacrifice for our sins— to stand on our behalf before the Ultimate Judge.
“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will notsin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ,the Righteous One.” (1 John 2:1)
When we accept the gift of salvation by receiving Jesus Christas our Lord, Director, Savior, and Advocate, we have nothing to fear when westand before God, the Supreme Judge. Jesus, who paid for every sin you and Iever thought of or committed, stands not only with us but also instead of us before the Father. Hisrighteousness cloaks and fills us so that God the Righteous Judge, proclaims usentirely not guilty, justified, and qualified to live with Him both now and inHis coming, forever Kingdom.
The enemy of our souls, the ultimate accuser and liar, isforever silenced in his efforts to see us condemned and destroyed. His flawedaccusations vanish and are remembered no more, as this powerful Scripture issung in heaven and on earth:
“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set youfree from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2)
I pray you will turn to and receive God in the person of Jesus Christ, the Perfect Judge and Advocate of your soul. Forgiven and saved!
God bless you!
Chris Atkins