My God Alphabet—K: King
In recent years the level of verbal assaults and incivility among the governing parties of the United States has dramatically increased. At the heart of this war of words are two drastically different world-views that fuel the desire for governing power to advance their agenda. On the outside, many citizens look on in silent disappointment at their government, even as they long to simply live their lives in peace and security. Yet the political parties continue on in their never-ending quest for more power.
Even as humans vie for rulingauthority, there is One who has ultimate power over all things. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, holds supreme power and has the perfectqualities of administrating it with justice, truth, mercy, grace, andlove. Jesus Christ rules over allrulers, and He is the Good King! Even when human rulers and authorities fail,this truth remains: God is in control, and He is supremely in command of allthings, as Scripture states:
"People might make many plans, but what the Lord says iswhat will happen." (Proverbs 19:21)
Most people look at the word "king" as an outdated one. Many often associate that word with the Middle Ages, where despots and tyrants abused and sucked dry the people they supposedly were anointed to care for. Human kings, as a rule, seemed hell-bent on obtaining more power—literally. There is something fundamentally flawed with our human nature that power becomes a drug that demands more of itself for the user to feel temporarily fulfilled.
That type of king is the polaropposite of the King of kings described in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the promised King, is describedas not only perfect and supreme in power, but also in knowledge, grace, love, service,and purity. He is the true, loving Kingwho laid down his heavenly glory and came to earth to serve and suffer on ourbehalf (see Philippians 2). Jesus is the perfect King who defeated all enemies,including death, and will return to inaugurate a new, eternal kingdom whoselikes have never been seen! Jesus isright now at work preparing the heavenly kingdom awaiting all who say yes toHim:
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no one's heart hasimagined all the things that God has prepared for those who love him." (1Corinthians 2:9)
Imagine a Ruler who perfectlyknows the needs of every person in their kingdom—and then perfectly,knowledgeably, and lovingly fulfills and accomplishes this—each and every time!No mere human ruler could ever do this, only the Son of God—Jesus Christ.
One day Jesus will return toearth. On that day, all people—including all earthly leaders—will acknowledgehim as the Ruler of all rulers—the King of kings. At that time, the people whoreceive Jesus Christ as their king will live forever with him, in perfectsubmission to His authority— not out of duty, but with hearts entirely given toHim with love and thanks for all He has done for us.
From beginning to end, theBible points to the kingship of Jesus Christ:
- The Old Testament contains avast array of prophesies about the coming of Jesus, the King of kings.
- Jesus' birth and earthly lifedemonstrated his supreme authority over sickness, weather, spiritual oppression,the heavens, and even death.
- Even as He hung on the crossfor our sins, the title "King" was placed on Jesus.
- When hundreds of people sawJesus resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven in glory, his eternalkingship was confirmed.
- Finally, Jesus will return asthe victorious King, as the last book of the Bible declares:
"On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."' (Revelation 19:16)
No matter what political partyor person claims to be the greatest, there is only one who is: Jesus Christ,the King of kings!
"…[God] raised Christ from the dead and seated him at hisright hand in the heavenly realms, farabove all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that isinvoked, not only in the present age but also in the One to come. And Godplaced all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything"(Ephesians 1: 20-22)
Jesus Christ is King. One dayall people will look up to see him return. On that day, this beautiful passagefrom the Psalms will be sung:
"Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors and let theKing of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord of Heaven's Armies—heis the King of glory." (Psalm 24:9-10)
I invite you to open the gatesof your heart and let Jesus the perfect, good King into your heart, life, andfuture. He longs for you to live with him in His forever kingdom.
God bless you!
Chris Atkins