Real treasures

A week ago I was speaking with a few people after one of our services.A woman stood by and then came forward to talk with me. She told me her husbandpassed away a few weeks earlier and needed to share something important withme. More on that later…

God continues to remind and teach me about the real treasures of life.We live in a culture that values and encourages the acquisition of materialpossessions. To be sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with many things inthis world—as long as they don't harm us, others, or pull us away from ourfirst love, God. There is, however, an ever-present temptation—even for Christfollowers—to look to the temporary things of this world to satisfy the deeperneeds of our souls. The truth that Augustine once articulated still holds truetoday:

"Our hearts are restless, O God until we rest in you..."

Like all artists, I have hopes and dreams for the music God has poured into my heart. I write music with the hope of authentically presenting God's faithful love and promises to all people who seek and turn to Him.  Before one note was even recorded of the new "Living Oaks" recording my wife and I prayerfully committed our work to the Lord, and promised we would faithfully use it to glorify Him.  We prayed that God would touch those who listen to it, but also bless our church, the ministry of Grace Unleashed, and our family. Included in that prayer was the hope that God would bless our work through the blessing of healthy sales. Our church is currently in the midst of an ambitious capital funds campaign, and we desired that God would use the recording to support that effort, as well as to help others.

In the area of Christian music, there can be a temptation to measurethe success of an artist solely in terms of or recording units (or downloads)sold. To be clear, I rejoice that God has used some Christian musicians andartists to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ through recorded music, videos,and concerts to millions of people all over the world. It's also true thatthere's an industry based around Christian music that has to survive andprevail, so it's necessary for companies to be focused on recording units sold.Many people's livelihoods are dependent on this! On the other hand, there arecountless Christian artists whose call has not included recording contracts,and they move forward in faith from one engagement to the next, keeping theireyes fixed on God for ministry and personal provision.   Again, there's nothing wrong with salesbenchmarks, but God continues to remind me that it's all about His glory,kingdom plan, and provision that counts—not just how many recording are talliedin the ledger. To quote one of my songs:

"Nothing I have or give or discover, nothing in heaven or on earth brings meaning to my life or value in Your eyes..." (from the song "Beloved One" )

Jesus presented this succinctly and perfectly when He said:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:12-21)

Now, back to the woman who came forward to talk with me last Sunday…

Through both smiles and teary eyes, she said that her husband, aChrist-follower, passed from this earth into the presence of God a few weeksago. She thought it was important for me to know that the last weeks of hislife her husband listened to my recording "Living Oaks" over and over(along with some Karen Carpenter music!) She said it brought joy and encouragement to him as he left this lifeand entered eternity. To say I was moved is a vast understatement—my breath wasmomentarily taken away, and my heart profoundly touched. I thanked thisprecious woman and told her that I would treasure her story. 

The truth is that God used this woman's words to remind me that thereal treasures of life come from His hand. It is both humbling and thrilling torealize that God uses our work—whether well known or not— to bring glory to Himand help people who are in need. Through her words, my eyes are open even moreto the eternal treasures God has put in my life. This week I've gone on manywalks with my wife and thank God for the treasure she is in my life. I thankGod that He allowed me to be part of His work that helped a man as he preparedto leave this life.

Finally, God holds all the resources of the universe and will perfectlyprovide for kingdom ministry— including capital funds campaigns, ministryexpenses, family needs, and more. Whether through a recording, through someonewho is inspired to give, or through a miraculous provision, God is fully ableto take care of all the needs we bring to Him. But even the temporal provisionsof God pale in comparison to the best He offers to each of us. The ultimatetreasure is knowing and resting in Christ alone and enjoying His presence andcare through this life and eternity.

Here is the link to my music:

God bless you!

Chris Atkins


My God Alphabet Journey: A


Always There