Always There

 (My newest recording “LivingOaks” is now available! I am sharing stories about songs on this recording)

If there were only one thing you could communicate to your childrenwhat would it be? This question becomes more real and relevant when ourchildren mark key milestones in their life:

•    Going off to kindergartenfor the first time

•    Entering high school

•    Getting a driver’s license

•    Going on a first date

•    Graduating

•    Leaving home for college,military service, or another vocation

•    Getting married

•    Having children of their own

All parents know there are times when time seems to move slowly—likethe many sleepless nights with babies, when kids are sick, or when they are outlate.  However, when our children reachkey milestone events in life, we suddenly realize how quickly time has flownand wish we could go back and hold onto them once again.

I have experienced key milestones in my children’s lives, and havewrestled with the question “What can I say to you as you move on?” I’m anemotional dad and can tell you first-hand that milestones are both incrediblyfulfilling and happy as well as a bit sad as you see them walk through thosemoments.

So, what could I say to them? As I reflected on each of my children’spassages in life, a passage in the Old Testament book of Ruth came to mind.

A woman named Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth struggled with adifficult goodbye after a tragic milestone: the death of Mahlon, the son andhusband of the two women respectively. When Naomi urged Ruth to move back toher hometown without her, it was the commitment and love of her daughter-in-lawRuth that impacted me:

“Where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God myGod.” Ruth 1:16

Ruth held to her word and was always there for her mother-in-law. Theresult of her faithfulness was that she became an ancestor of Jesus Christafter marrying a man named Boaz and bearing a child.

The old saying “You never stop being a parent” is very true. Eventhough dads and moms can’t always be with our children physically, thecommitment to them as loved, and valued family members will remain throughoutlife. I realized there were three essential messages I wanted to say to mychildren through the milestones of life:

  • They are incredibly lovedby us—and that will never change!
  • We will be there to prayfor, help, and stand alongside them, even when we are not together physically.
  • God loves them infinitelymore than we do, and He will never ever leave them.  He longs for a dynamic, life-changing,intimate relationship with them and will always be there for them in whateverhappens in life.

Those three truths came together in the song “Always There” that flowedout of me like water. I remember having tears as I first sang it, and washonored to work with some fantastic musicians who brought it to life in thestudio. The song “Always There” is included on my new recording “Living Oaks”and I hope you will think of and pray for your children, grandchildren, nieces,and nephews as you listen to it.

A special note: I’m aware that there are parents who know the heartacheand pain of broken family relationships. There may be a prodigal child whowalked away or is caught in an unhealthy lifestyle. When there is no answer insight, the best we can do as parents is to faithfully and steadfastly lift themup in prayer to God.  Their heavenlyFather cares for them—and you—and hears your cries for their spiritual,emotional, and physical well-being.

God is always there for them and for us.

Here is the link to the lyrics:

Here is the link to my music:

God bless you!

Chris Atkins


Real treasures


Peace Driver