My God Alphabet—B

I love the Psalms, and some of my favorites are acrostics. Acrostics use letters from the Hebrew alphabet to form beautiful poetry about God. I'm developing my own alphabetical list (in English) by writing about some of the infinite attributes of God. This week I'm on the letter B. I’m not saying mine is the definitive list, but I will use Scripture as the bedrock for each letter. I hope you’ll join me on this journey and even develop your own list.

Recently my wife, daughter, and I spent a week in Seattle at the home of our friends Rich and Sandi.  During the first day of our visit Rich remarked about the spectacular view of Mount Rainier that still moves him each time he sees it.

As much as wewanted to see this, the clouds and fog obscured any view of the mountain, so itremained a dim vision in our imagination. Later in the week, however, as wedrove back to their home from a day of sightseeing the clouds gave way to crystalclear, blue skies. Immediately we beheld the breathtaking view of thesnow-covered peak that towered over the horizon. It was closer and moremajestic than we ever imagined—and incredibly beautiful!

I reflected that myrelationship with and worship of God is like that experience. I sometimes movethrough life surrounded by thick clouds and fog of circumstances, challenges,and even disappointments. I affirm God’s presence and beauty above and beyond mycircumstances, but at times this can feel barely enough, even as I press on infaith and trust.  Then, the clouds ofdoubt and circumstances dissipate, and I see God’s majestic, awesome power andbeauty. I realize God is bigger, more powerful, and closer than Iever realized.  The reality of God’sbeauty dwarfs my previous imaginings, and I revel and awe at who He is.

Beauty can be adifficult thing to define or quantify, but we all know and recognize somethingof beauty when we experience it:

  • Seeing a primeval forestwaterfall, the first snowfall, a star-filled night, an ocean sunset, the northernlights, or any other natural wonder;
  • Holding a newbornchild or grandchild for the first time;
  • Beholding yourbride or groom in the light of your wedding day;
  • Beholding yourhusband or wife in the light of years or decades spent together;
  • Spending time withcherished family and friends, making new memories with them;
  • Being part of somethinggood in which people’s lives are changed or made better;
  • Enjoying good music,art, or writing that elevates our very being to new heights;

Here is my point: atthe start and end of all things is God, the Creator of all things beautiful. Infact, God is the very definition and source of beauty. From Him all thingsbeautiful have come to be. God is beautiful—above and beyond anything in allthe cosmos or in our imaginations.

We live in a worldthat by its very flawed nature tends to obscure the very beauty that Godcreated and intended for us. Sometimes it is hard to remember and see God’sbeauty through the fog of life. It’s good to hold God’s Word in your heart andlet this remind and rekindle the passion for His beauty:

 “To the Lord yourGod belong the heavens,even the highest heavens, the earth and everything init.” (Deuteronomy 1:14)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has alsoset eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has donefrom beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skiesproclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1)

“The God of gods—it’s God!—speaks out, shouts, ‘Earth!’
welcomes the sun in the east,
farewells the disappearing sun in the west.
From the dazzle of Zion,
God blazes into view.
Our God makes his entrance,
he’s not shy in his coming.
Starbursts of fireworks precede him.” (Psalm 50:1-3, The Message)

I’ve included a song I wrote and recorded called “The Nature of You” and hope this helps remind you of the incomparable beauty of our God.

The “B’ of my God alphabet is this: God is beautiful! Even when we don't always feel His presence, God is much closer and more majestic than we can ever imagine.

God bless you!

Chris Atkins


My God Alphabet Journey—C


My God Alphabet Journey: A