Longing for Peace!
In this Christmas/Holiday season I pray that you will enjoy some peaceful and meaningful moments and experiences!
We are blessed to live in a country that, in spite of its challenges and problems, is largely at peace. That is not the case in many places throughout the world right now. Even as we enjoy our freedom and relative peace in the United States, we must not forget the people who are living in dire circumstances. Here are just a few examples:
I know of a family that lives in Syria, in a region where Christians and Muslims have peacefully coexisted for many years. These past weeks their world has been shattered with explosions and the popping of persistent gunfire, and the uncertainty of political upheaval. They are seeking relief and are uncertain where to turn. I was told that many people in their country are simply weary from warfare and the resulting havoc and wreckage that they must endure.
The artist who illustrated my book “The Christmas Ladder: Story and Song by Chris Atkins” lives in Ukraine. During the process of their work, they sent me a message of apology for being behind schedule, telling me that electricity was sporadic as their city was being bombed. I was shocked, saddened, and deeply moved as I prayed for their safety, family, and country. We also took practical steps to support them.
Last fall I met a man who lost his business, home, and vehicle from a bombing in his home city in Ukraine. He, his wife, and daughter escaped with their lives and are now trying to build a new life here in the United States. They are seeking to become citizens here, and I was impressed by his work ethic and devotion to his family.
People in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries are under the constant threat of gunfire, bombs, and violence. Many innocent people in this region have been displaced and now live as refugees.
Christ Followers are under violent attack in places throughout the world such as northern Nigeria. In many countries, pastors and Christians have been wrongly detained, imprisoned, beaten, and even killed for sharing their faith.
And the list goes on and on.
Last year, I wrote and recorded the song “Longing for the Stable” that begins by presenting the dramatically different experiences people have in the Christmas season. I invite you to watch and listen to the original song and video that I recorded with my friends David Koblish and Murray Adam:
In this season we celebrate the holidays when we remember the coming of Jesus as Emmanuel—God with us — into a turbulent, violent world. It’s good to enjoy this time, and I hope we will also be mindful of people whose lives are in peril due to war, violence, hunger, and displacement. Regularly lifting them up in prayer is a great place to start. My wife and I have also researched and regularly give to charitable organizations that come alongside people in need, both near and far. When we realize that we are stewards of resources that can help people —and possibly save lives— we are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, who came to save people and set them free in this life and for all eternity.
God bless you!
Chris Atkins
(My new, full color illustrated book “The Christmas Ladder: Story and Song by Chris Atkins” is now available nationally! The book is about a young boy, his grandfather, and the old ladder that became a symbol of their family’s faith in difficult times. It includes a QR code so you can listen to the recording of the song as you read the pages. This beautifully produced book is great for kids 5-9 years old, as well as their family, grandparents, relatives, and friends. It is sure to become a treasured part of your holiday tradition! To get the book immediately, here’s the link I recommend: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-christmas-ladder )