A Season of Darkness, The Season of Light

(In case you missed my last post here is exciting news: my new, full color, illustrated book “The Christmas Ladder: Story and Song by Chris Atkins” is now available nationally! The book is about a young boy, his grandfather, and the old ladder that became a symbol of their family’s faith in difficult times. It includes a QR code so you can listen to the recording of the song as you read the pages. This beautifully produced book is great for kids 5-9 years old, as well as their family, grandparents, relatives, and friends. It is sure to become a treasured part of your holiday tradition! I’m happy that Angel Tree Ministry, a division of the Salvation Army, will be distributing over 1,000 copies to kids and families in Florida this year, and I will be traveling there for a book signing and concert on December 8th. To get the book immediately, here’s the link I recommend: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-christmas-ladder )


Here in the Midwest, November and early December can feel like an unending, dark season that moves in excruciating, slow motion.  Persistent slate clouds hang overhead like a grey wool blanket.  So far this year there has been no sustained blanket of snow on the ground that, although cold, allows light to be reflected and seemingly amplified. With no snow, the early onset of night seems even darker and longer. Driving after 5:30 pm feels like navigating in the middle of the blackest night.

This November has also felt heavier for our family. The unexpected passing of my oldest brother coupled with my wife’s surgery and chemotherapy has clouded this season. I know many, many people going through similar challenges—health, finances, relationship, work, and more—that a common, dark thread seems woven through our lives.

We all desperately long for light and hope in seasons like this.

The good news is that there IS light, the Light of the world, available to us. Not is some far-off fantastical place, but right now, in a person—Jesus Christ. He has walked the same road we walk, suffered a cruel death on our behalf, and rose again from the grave. He is alive today and has become the eternal champion over death: Not just his death, but ours as well.  He promises to bring light, life, and hope to the darkest areas and times of our life.

So, we have a binary choice: succumb to the darkness or open ourselves to the Light of the world. The one we run to makes all the difference.

Years ago, I wrote and recorded a song entitled “Season of Light”. I had the idea for the song when I thought of the thousands of people who saw the Christmas Star of Bethlehem and chose to not follow it. The song follows the story of two people who did just that, and three decades later encountered Jesus in his earthly ministry and followed him. Those two same men dejectedly walked away from Jerusalem following the darkness of his crucifixion. Finally, as they walked on a road that led to a place called Emmaus, they were joined by a man who told them the reason from everything that had just happened. They didn’t recognize the man until he shared bread with them, and their eyes were opened to see it was Jesus, risen and alive. Their hearts and lives were forever changed as they were flooded with the hope and light of His presence.

Here is the link to the song:


Whatever darkness you may be traveling through, Jesus invites you to experience His presence—a loving, forgiving, and healing presence that annihilates the dark places and replaces it with His own, everlasting light. My wife and family have found an extraordinary peace and confident hope even in this dark season. At the risk of sounding over simplistic, we know this peace comes from God, and we are resting in it and moving forward because of it.

Regardless of how darkness entered your life—through unforeseen circumstances or blindsides, or choices you or someone else made that ushered it in—Jesus is there for you. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve walked away or how deep the darkness may be, Jesus is still there and is more powerful than anything you’re facing. His love for you isn’t dependent on your efforts, failures, religious background, or anti-religious past. He is God, and He loves you and holds a new life and hope for you. You only have to ask.

I hope and pray you make the lifesaving choice to say “yes” to God.

God bless you!
Chris Atkins



Longing for Peace!


“The Christmas Ladder” Illustrated book with song is now available !