My God Alphabet Journey—D

I'm sharing my own alphabetical list of some of the infinite attributes of God. This week I'm on the letter D. 

In 2018, twelve boys and their soccer coach entered a cave in Thailand to carve their names on the walls as part of an initiation ceremony. Soon after they arrived in a deep part of the structure, a band of heavy rain came, causing water levels in the cave to rise to flood levels and trapping the team nearly a half-mile under the surface. Two British divers discovered the team almost two weeks after their disappearance but were unable to get them out.

Even as the world heard the news, a massive international rescueeffort was mounted. The operation became more urgent as rains continued, andoxygen in the cave fell to dangerous levels.  Their rescue came nearly amonth later and involved expert divers who risked their lives to traversethrough treacherous passages and near-zero visibility, murky waters. One diverpaid the ultimate price as he brought oxygen to the team and ran out of his ownair while underwater. Previously trapped because of their own choices andactions, thirteen people were now saved. One by one, the soccer team playersand coach were delivered out of the cave and into freedom  —all this through the saving work of theirrescuers.

This is a picture of what Jesus Christ does for each person whocalls on Him and turns to Him by faith. Many of us spend a lifetime tryingto dig ourselves out of our own spiritual pits, caused by our imperfect natureand a lifetime of poor choices and actions—only to find more darkness and nofreedom, eternally trapped in a hopeless place. 

Like the diver who exchanged his life for the lives of the boysand their coach, Jesus gave his life for us on the cross. Jesus' death was theone and only perfect exchange—His flawless life for our flawed and sin-ravagedlives, His death for our eternal life and restored, forever relationship withGod the Father.

Two Greek words in the Bible describe who Jesus is and what Hedoes for us:

"Lutrotes": Liberator!  Jesus is able to set us free from all our spiritual chains. He is the One who paid the ransom for our freedom.

"Soter": Savior! Jesus rescues, saves, and preserves our soul in, around, above, under,and even through all that things that threaten to trap or enslave us.

Just as I'm sure there was a point when the soccer team realizedthey were powerless to free themselves from their predicament, the startingpoint for our eternal rescue begins by acknowledging that our own efforts won'tsave us. We need a Deliverer!

Recently I wrote a song entitled "Rescue Me" thatechoes Psalm 69. I'm sure the Psalmist must have felt overwhelmed by life as hewrote:

"Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck…

I have come into the deep waters;

the floodsengulf me.

I am wornout calling for help;

my throatis parched.

My eyesfail, looking for my God…

But I prayto you, Lord, in the time of your favor;

in your greatlove, O God, answer me with your sure salvation.

Rescue mefrom the mire, do not let me sink…"

Psalm69:1-3, 13-14

Perhaps you feel overwhelmed and spiritually drowning in life. I hope this song encourages you to cry out to God today. He hears you and will answer your prayers.

But asking for God's help is only the starting point. We also need to welcome our Deliverer, Jesus Christ, and allow Him—day by day—to rescue and take us out of the pits we're in and bring us into His new life.

I've also attached an original song entitled "Setting the Captives Free".  As you listen to it, I hope you'll consider trusting in the only One who is able to deliver you out of any bondage and into the fresh air of God's love and favor.

Jesus alone is able to deliver us out of the spiritual caves inwhich we are trapped.

The "D' of my God alphabet is this: God is our Deliverer.

God bless you!

Chris Atkins


My God alphabet—E: Edifier


My God Alphabet Journey—C