What’s in The Name?
Note: Earlier this month I discussed my book “The Isaiah Encounter” with Paul Ridgeway on his radio program “On the Way.” I invite you to listen to the recording of this interview using this link : https://soundcloud.com/on-the-way-with-ridgeway/2-11-16-otw-hr1This past weekend my son Greg, his wife Lindsey, and our grandson Wynden welcome a new baby boy into their family. Terese and I were thrilled to hear about his birth and waited together on the phone as our son told us the name they gave him:Bravery James Albert Atkins (Brae for short!)During our time at the hospital visiting Brae, Greg told us how they had prayed and agonized over names the past few months. They talked about the name Bravery, but still weren’t 100% settled on it. Greg then recounted how I related the story how Brent, our church’s lead pastor, prayed for God’s wisdom in arriving at a name for his son. Soon after praying that prayer our pastor drove past 2 street signs, one with the same name as his, and then another that said “Logan Avenue” He saw this as the “sign” he prayed for, and so his son was called Logan.After hearing that story, about ten days before their son’s birth, Greg and Lindsey prayed for God’s wisdom in choosing the name for their soon-expected child. Shortly after praying this prayer Greg received an email about some up and coming music groups. The first band name that Greg saw was“Brave baby”It was the confirmation they prayed for! Here’s what our daughter-in-law wrote about their new son’s name:The first name of “Bravery” stands alone in its English meaning of “brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor,” but when considering how we'll call him “Brae,” for short, his name takes on even more significance. “Brae” is the Scottish word for “hill.”Names matter to us ... and to God!When the angel of God told Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah by the power of God, he also told her:
“…you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High…and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”Luke 1:31-31
The angel Gabriel also confirmed that name to Joseph:
‘You (Joseph) are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”Matthew 1:21
The Bible often refers to our Savior as “The Lord Jesus Christ”.Stop for a moment and reflect on His name:The word “Christ” means the Anointed One, the Messiah. Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of literally hundreds of Old Testament scriptures that foretold the coming of the Chosen One of God.The name "Jesus" means “God saves” and is derived from the Old Testament name ”Jehovah". He is both fully God and fully human. Because of Jesus’ perfect life and work on the cross we can now be saved from our sins and brought into a new, right relationship with God the Father.The word “Lord” refers to the ultimate power, authority, and rule that belong to Christ alone in all God’s creation, seen and unseen. His death, resurrection, and ascension confirmed this to all Christ followers. Jesus’ Lordship will ultimately be clear to all people when He returns again in glory.Names have meaning, and the name of Jesus also has power above all things. Philippians 2 beautifully summarizes the power of the name of Jesus:
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”Philippians 2: 9-11
My friends, let’s WORSHIP the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!Blessings to you,Chris