Parallels: Home and Spiritual renovation— Doors

(This is part of a series on what I learned through the process of renovating our home, and the parallels to a life yielded to and experiencing God’s work in renovating our life and spirit)

In our home renovation projects we installed different types of doors including outside doors with locks, interior passage doors, bathroom doors, closet doors, and even a pocket door for a walk-in closet. Each door required a different rough opening, which is a measure-specific wood framework to provide enough room for the door to fit securely, yet not too big so the door can’t be properly mounted and supported. Each had handles that allowed the doors to be opened, closed, or locked.

Life is also filled with “doors”—opportunities that present themselves to us. The list includes career doors, relational doors, educational goals, lifestyle doors, travel and recreational doors, financial doors, and most importantly spiritual doors. All are different—some are good, and others not so good. Some doors are passage or transition that bring us from one stage of life to another, while others lead to the exact place we intended to go.

On a personal note, there have been a few times when I have tried to build my own doors of opportunity where God had intentionally put a wall.  As hard as I tried, those artificial, self-made doors never worked, including some career and relational doors that led nowhere. In retrospect I am thankful that God kept me from going too far through doors that could have brought more pain, sorrow, and regret. Most of us have experienced the effects of going through bad doors. The good news is that God offers grace and forgiveness even when we make ill-advised choices.

The most important and precious door that exists in each of us is the doorway to our heart. It is the sacred passage that leads to the center of our being. It’s a spiritual door that cannot be forced open by anyone else—It can only be unlocked and opened from the inside. Each of us controls our heart’s “door handle”, the decision about whether or not we will allow someone or something into our being. Many forces exist outside our heart, banging on the door, demanding we let them in. The truth is that they can’t come in unless we let them. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop them from continuing their demands, accusations, threats, and false promises to try to coerce us to let them in.

This is how God operates. He knows us through and through, understanding our hopes and fears, sorrows and joys even better than we do ourselves. He loves us deeply and desires the best for us and from us. Yet He will never force His way into our heart. He leaves that choice to us.

A famous passage from Scripture paints the picture of Jesus standing at the door to our heart. He gently knocks, respectfully asking for permission to enter and begin a forever friendship with Him. He promises new life, healing, and even nourishment for our soul. Here’s what He said:

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

That statement becomes even more powerful when we remember that God is always true to His Word. He will do what He says, and always lives up to His promises. A friendship with Jesus is beyond what words can describe, and worth more than the treasures of this world. I’m seen this time and time again in my life and the lives of many who have said “yes” and opened the door to Jesus.

We are also blessed when we have people in our lives who stand with us, helping to guard the door to our heart with care and encouragement. These are the true friends and family that journey with us in our life, sharing in our interests, joining in our concerns, supporting us through our troubles, and celebrating with us in our joys. In doing so, they help us to grow in wisdom and self-esteem, enabling us to more confidently open the door of our hearts to others.

I’m convinced that God is elated when we say “yes” and grieved when we say “no” to allowing Him to enter our heart. Either way He allows us that choice— for better or worse. I’m also sure that God quietly remains at the door of our heart throughout life, patiently waiting and ready if and when we choose to open the door of our heart to Him.

Regardless of our backgrounds, past life choices, religious or non-religious upbringings, and current life circumstances, the door to knowing God intimately is within each of us.

The door handle that leads to the heart is yours to keep closed…

…or opened to Jesus.


God bless you.

Chris Atkins



Parallels: Home and Spiritual Renovation—Inspections


Parallels: Home and Spiritual renovation— Insulation