Navigating Life: the Parade of Planets and the Pole Star
(This is the second post in a series about navigating through life's ups and downs. Photo courtesy of NASA.)
In January and February 2025, a celestial event called “The Parade of Planets” takes place. Six planets are visible and line up together in the night sky: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. From our yard I watched this array of lights on a cold Minnesota night and was awestruck by the symmetry and brightness of the planets in a lit, arched line.
These planets are beautiful to look at, for sure, but because of their ever-changing movements, brightness, and location, they probably aren’t the best for navigational purposes.
There is another light—Polaris, also known as the Northern Star or Pole Star— that is more reliable and has been used in navigation for centuries. It is the brightest star in the Ursa Minor constellation, and its position lies less than 1 degree from earth’s north celestial pole, making it useful for navigation. In other words, it helps us find true north.These night sky lights have interesting parallels in our spiritual life on earth.
We live in times when flashes of so-called “insights” light the sky of the spiritual landscape. These lights are often attractive and brilliant, but soon fade and move as quickly as they appeared. Most concerning is that they often also lead people in the wrong direction.
Here’s an example from the dietary realm: Remember the time, not so long ago, when eggs were considered harmful to your health? The “brightest” studies of that time showed that eating eggs caused bad cholesterol and were a factor in other negative health issues. Many people stopped eating eggs because of that news. (To be clear, I know some people are allergic to eggs— I’m not referring to them in this example).
Fast forward to today: Here is what a major health provider stated about eggs:
“Eggs are also a great source of vitamins A, D and B12, as well as choline, a nutrient essential in many metabolic steps…Research shows that the cholesterol in eggs doesn't seem to negatively affect the human body compared with other sources of cholesterol…Eggs can be a good addition to a healthy, well-balanced diet.” (Source: Mayo Clinic Health System)
Human knowledge shifts and changes, and it shows that the more we think we know, the more we have to learn. The things we initially think are reliable and trustworthy often fail or disappear. The same applies to our spiritual lives.
New philosophies, life approaches, religious groups, and experiences come and go like the parade of planets. At first glance they might seem attractive, bright, and insightful. But the question remains: Will they actually point us to the spiritual true north, or will they lead us astray? At best, they are a distraction from our spiritual journey home to God. At worst they will lead us to a fake place that will leave us in deeper darkness and despair.
Instead, there is a never-failing light that is always there to guide and lead us, even in the darkest times. His name is Jesus Christ. He is called “The Bright Morning Star” (see Revelation 22:16) and “The Light of the World” as He himself spoke:
[Jesus said} “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
It is by Jesus’ light—and His light only—that we find our way in this life. Even better than the North Star, He doesn’t waver, move, or dim even a little. He is totally, 100% reliable. He won’t change or falter, no matter what happens in this world. We can count on this.
Jesus is the light and presence of God who not only illuminates from afar, but also within. I share this out of my own living encounter and ongoing, growing experience of Jesus within and around me. He invites me, you, and every human to come to him for life and direction—in this world and the one to come
Here's a song I’m sharing with you in your journey this week: it came out of an intensely intimate time with God. I was blessed to record this along with some outstanding musicians and I hope it inspires you to seek Jesus even more.
God bless you.
Chris Atkins