Navigating Life: Persevering
I know many people who are struggling with stress right now. The pace of life and change is moving at a dizzying rate. Studies are showing that anxiety is epidemic. It’s easy to get stuck at a crossroads, not knowing where, when, and how to proceed. Navigating through life involves answering directional questions:
Do I wait? Start moving forward? Stop to rest? Re-calibrate? Keep going?
Discernment and wisdom are desperately needed in these moments, as well as the courage and stamina to follow through on whatever the answer to those questions might be.
For me, prayer is foundational to this process. I believe there is a God—a good, loving God—who cares about us and invites us to turn to Him for direction. More than simply reciting rote words, prayer is a day-to-day adventure through which we can truly experience God’s power and love for us.
Next, perseverance is needed to keep on track with our life in God. Perseverance is both a gift and a spiritual muscle that needs to be exercised and used. I love this definition of the word “persevere”:
“To persist in anything undertaken; maintain purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly “ (source:
Persevere doesn’t necessarily mean doing more things to keep afloat in life. Consider that there can be different ways to persevere:
Persevere in waiting: It may seem a little strange to consider being steadfast in a season of waiting. To be sure, we can be in danger of getting stuck if we wait out of fear. But we can also move prematurely—before God opens the door—and the result is that we hit the wall hard. Waiting is the active, sometimes hard choice to rest in God and trust in His plan and timing for our life.
Persevering in getting started: When God says “go”, it takes faith— the spiritual courage and muscle— to get up and start moving. Not every question may be answered, not every part of the path forward necessarily clear, but it’s important to keep putting one step in front of the other and begin the new journey God invites us to enter with Him.
Persevering in taking time to rest, refresh, and recalibrate: It’s okay to step back and even step away for a time when we’re weary from work or struggles. Spending time with God—and also with trustworthy people— to rest, refresh, and evaluate the next steps are important parts of persevering. Mid-course corrections in life are to be expected and embraced rather than avoided. Seeking the counsel of God and trusted advisors are necessary to make sure we’re on the right track in our life. Oh yes, don’t forget that rest and nourishment are also ingredients in persevering through difficulties. Our bodies are designed to function best when we are getting enough sleep and healthy nourishment, so don’t neglect these essential components. Making the choice for rest, recalibration, and refreshment ensures we won’t burn out or fail in our journey.
Persevering in moving ahead, through difficulties and hardships: Sometimes persevering means enduring that difficult parts of life. In her journey through chemotherapy, my wife has been the model of what it means to continue steadfastly through life’s struggles. She has made the choice of being thankful for each day as she goes through her treatments. I’m convinced her faith and perseverance, as well as the prayers of many people, have made a huge difference in her healing. All of us will go through seasons of trial, in health, relationships, finances, jobs, and more. Persevering on our own is impossible, but when we ask for and lean on God’s power, we can not only endure but also merge victorious through life’s struggles. I know from personal experience.
A few years ago, I wrote and recorded the song “Persevere” in a time when many people were going through hard economic times. I hope it encourages you to keep going in whatever season of life you are experiencing right now.
God bless you!
Chris Atkins