My Friend Charles

In addition to spending time in God’s Word, I also enjoy reading works from well-known Christian authors from the present and the past. Their insights continue to help me grow in my understanding and love of God and the Bible. One of my favorites authors is Charles Spurgeon, an English preacher, and author who lived in the 1800s. Mr. Spurgeon’s ministry made a profound difference in the lives of thousands of people in Europe and beyond. He was a down-to-earth, plainspoken man who was known to enjoy a cigar now and then. His love of God and dedication to clearly presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ to people is an example we all could learn from and emulate.  His writings have led me to view him as a friend whom I look forward to meeting in heaven someday.Charles Spurgeon’s insights on prayer have deepened my personal time with God in the person of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Charles once pointed out that prayer is “spiritual commerce with the Creator of heaven and earth” and reminded us “the man who has prayed much is the man to pray more.” Whether alone with God or in quick ‘arrow’ prayers sent to God in the middle of the day, Charles encouraged all of us to “pray with your heart.” This past weekend I had a stressful encounter with someone whose words tempted me to respond back in anger.  Instead, the Holy Spirit reminded me of something that Charles Spurgeon penned:

“Are you in the midst of company? You will be reminded to pray “Lord, keep the door of my lips (Psalm 141:3)”

In an instant I sent a silent prayer to God asking Him to put a guard on my lips and a filter on my words. Almost immediately, my anger subsided, and I was given gracious words instead of angry ones. The situation resolved quickly, and I was relieved that nothing came out of my mouth that I would have later regretted.Here are a few other timeless insights Charles Spurgeon shared:

“God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”

“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.” 

“Faith asks, hope seeks, and love knocks.”

Charles Spurgeon reminded us that the length of prayers is not what is important, but only that they come from a heart that seeks and approaches God sincerely and expectantly.Nothing surpasses the supremacy of the Bible. However, God has also given us the gift of godly women and men whose knowledge of God and His word intersected with their life experiences and writing abilities. Their words can help us better understand and appropriate God’s Word to our lives and experiences.God bless you!Chris


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