
photo-1455723576895-6ab1d5abbcb9Yesterday I had the privilege of spending time with some dear friends at the bedside of their dad and husband, Conly, who is in the last stages of his battle with cancer.We sang many songs from the past— often laughing at the lyrics we stumbled on or forgot. I heard funny and poignant stories of Conly’s life and the profound impact he had on everyone in the room. My friend John, who spent many consecutive nights at his father-in-law’s bedside so others could get rest, told me he did it because of all Conly had poured into his life.  As we prayed together, hugged each other, and held hands, I had a sense of everyone being present for Conly and each other. We cherished each passing minute together around his bedside, knowing that time is precious and fleeting.Life is about moments.We live in a culture that tells us to live in the future as we move through each day. The laws of productivity demand that we be always aware of what’s next on our schedule and what needs to get done on our never-ending to-do list. While productivity is good, it can also be spiritually destructive if left unharnessed and unbalanced by a sense of awareness and thankfulness for each moment we’ve been given.When we are moving through life at breakneck speed, we can easily race past the blessings God has given us in the precious moments of our lives.In the past few weeks I have had some moments that I will never forget:

  • Holding my newborn grandson Brae for the first time;
  • Fixing a hand railing with my son Greg while my young grandson Wynden helped with his own “tools”;
  • Dancing with my granddaughters Ruby and Juneau at Disneyworld to the music of a live brass band;
  • Standing with my son Nate, watching Minnesota Twins baseball player Joe Mauer take batting practice just a few feet away at Spring Training;
  • Walking with my daughter Alyssa at an outdoor arts and crafts show;
  • Spending time with my wife Terese and daughter Annie sipping Starbucks coffee and cocoa on a beautiful Florida morning.

God reminds us, in the busyness of our life, to slow down and absorb the blessings of the people and creation around us.  Every moment is a gift, and at the heart of worshiping God is thankfulness for the moments He has given us…And those still to come!

"... just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”Colossians 2:6-7

A few years ago I wrote the song "Always There" for my family.  I hope you will be blessed by it as well![audio m4a=""][/audio]Chris


Stepping Up In Love


The Whisper of Worship