Lord, Help Me to Pray
Over the past few weeks I have been inviting you to enter the conversation about prayer as an ongoing part of a life of worship. My brother Tom sent this post to me, and this week I want to share it with you. Please continue to send me your ideas and thoughts on worship and prayer, and let others know about this blog. I appreciate your support!With thanks,
ChrisI find myself lately both in prayer and considering prayer in me. Let me then share this prayer - about prayer - and invite your thoughts.I am here again, Lord. Here to pray …As important as prayer is to my well-being, I am reminded that my prayer life suffers from the same pressures of time, attention and (let’s face it) emotions that challenge other priorities. Sometimes vibrant, sometimes dry and needing to be refreshed, I am moved by the importance of prayer in all that I do.Lord, help me to pray …Help me in the way of personal prayer that is most relevant to my life in You - that works for me in a sometimes too busy life. Help me discover meaning and your calling in my life. Help me to understand your love for me, and to embrace your grace in my life. Help me to become closer to you, to my family and friends and to my broader community. Help me to pray and to live a life filled with prayer.What is prayer?In a simple and relevant way, prayer is the intersection of my being, life, and circumstances with the very presence and power of God. My personal prayer is a conversation with you as my Father-God. With you, Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. With you, Spirit, as my strength in action.I come to you to talk of my hopes, plans, concerns and questions. To regard the people in my life.To discuss openly and honestly myself and my relationships. Talking from joy and from sorrow, and often from somewhere in between. I come as I am.How do I pray?I pray to you, Lord, in many ways. I understand your encouragement to “pray constantly”. More than by words, I understand this by your Spirit within me. Help me to pray with my every breath and thought.I pray in moments of need and in special occasions in my life. Praying for your guidance and help. Praying from thankfulness and joy. Praying for healing from pain. Praying in praise and wonder for your greatness.I have also learned to grow quiet and listen in prayer. Is this what makes prayer a conversation? I treasure these time of quieting prayer where I get in touch with myself and get in touch with you. I listen to you, and I am moved to respond.How do I respond?Firstly, I am changed inside. I am strengthened by a sense of solitude. This peace of knowing your love. This purpose in understanding your guidance. This sense of living in you.Then, too, in my actions and relationships. I am moved to act and interact with a renewed heart. Through prayer, I am encouraged to live in prayer … and to be a prayer.What does prayer mean to you?We invite you to contact us with you thoughts on prayer, and with your experiences of prayer in your life.We also invite you to share your prayer requests with us, so that we can join with you in prayer.