Keep Watch over your Heart
This week's blog is written by my brother, Tom Atkins. I'm excited to share that a book version of "My God Alphabet" is coming out soon, and you can get a copy with a suggested donation of $20 or more to: Grace Unleashed, PO Box 97, Champlin, MN 55316. Your donation helps to keep this blog going, so thank you. Beginning in January I'll start a new series, so stay tuned! God bless you. Chris Atkins
“Above all, keep watch over your heart,
for from it flow the springs of life.” (Prov 4:23)
Sometimes people disappoint us, fail us, hurt us.
Life itself is often unfair and disheartening.
But keep in mind, the situations that surround you do not make you,
And remember instead that God made you.
You are created in God’s love. Hold onto that love.
You are created with giftedness. Live in your giftedness.
Watch over your heart, for God’s love is there,
And from it flow the springs of your life.
Hold onto Joy
“With joy you shall draw water
from the wells of salvation.” (Isaiah 12:3)
Above life’s circumstances, find joy, remember joy, hold onto joy,
For joy fills the heart and replenishes life.
Joy is found in listening, in remembering, in appreciating, in celebrating;
In everyday moments and over time: past, present, and anticipated.
Joy is found in worshipping God.
In acknowledging our mighty God with hearts of wonder and gratefulness.
Hold onto joy, for it is God’s promise and presence within you,
Comforting, encouraging, and strengthening you in every moment.
A Prayer from the Heart
Jesus, we join our hearts with yours,
drawing life from the wells of God’s love and promises,
finding hope, meaning, and joy in our work, in our service, in our relationships,
and in our everyday discovery of your life in us.