God’s Voice and A Chocolate Bar
God still speaks today.
He communicates to us not just in the big things of life, but also in day-to-day moments and situations. I have experienced this many times in my life and want to share one story of God’s power in what seemed to be a small decision to follow His prompts.
One day on my way home for lunch from the church where I served, I remembered we needed a couple of items from the grocery store. Arriving there, I sensed I was supposed to go through the second entrance of the store rather than the primary one. I went in and soon came upon a large metal shelf with clearance items, including a king-sized chocolate bar. Initially walking past it, I suddenly felt prompted to buy the candy bar. I love chocolate and assumed it would be something my wife and I could share over lunch. Finished with my shopping, I headed to the checkout counter. Ahead of me were 2 women: one who was in a hurry and not very happy with pace of the clerk who was scanning her items and a second woman between us who appeared to be in her late eighties. The second woman had just a few items, including a meal-for-one frozen dinner. The clerk finished the first woman’s order, and as she continued bagging her groceries, started scanning the older women’s items. Both women were bagging their groceries as the clerk scanned my order and I paid for it. As I waited for the older woman to finish bagging her items, I heard what I now know was God’s still, small voice within tell me “Give that woman the chocolate bar”. I resisted for a moment, but then felt prompted to ask the older woman “Do you like chocolate?” She smiled and said “yes”, so I reached down and handed her the large chocolate bar I just purchased.
“This is for you” I said as I handed it to her.
What happened next has stayed with me ever since that time.
“Thank you”, she said in a quiet voice, “today is my birthday”.
I was almost breathless with emotion at her words and said, "Happy birthday!" When I looked over, I noticed the hurried woman’s demeanor change in an instant. She smiled and wished the woman a happy birthday, as did the grocery clerk.
I thanked God that I was able to experience His immense love for this older woman! I never saw her again, but I am convinced it was God’s love for this dear woman that led me to buy the candy bar and then prompted me to give it to her.
God’s promptings can be “inner verbal” or intuitive. To be clear, not every urge we feel comes from God, so we need to pray about and test everything, knowing that God will never prompt us to do something that goes against His Word and Holy Spirit.
Listening to and following God comes from an experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ and the empowerment from His Presence that flows out of this relationship. Hearing and obeying God is also a discipline, like a spiritual “muscle” that develops as we use it, starting with the little things of life.
Truth be told, I have not always followed God’s promptings, yet I know I am forgiven for those times. This story from my life, however, is one of countless times that I have seen God’s love, healing, and glorious power on display because I chose to listen to and follow His lead in the little and big moments of life.
God stands ready to show His power in and through each of our lives, as we choose to listen to and follow His prompting.
God bless you!
Chris Atkins